Empowered by TIIDELab: My Journey to Self Reliance: 3.0

Empowered by TIIDELab: My Journey to Self Reliance: 3.0


My journey toward self-reliance, powered by TIIDELab, has reached its three-month mark. This transformative experience has been a mixture of dedication, commitment, learning, and self-doubt. If you've missed my earlier updates, here's a recap of my evolving journey.

Facing Uncertainties

The third month was a challenging period filled with uncertainties and self-doubt. Questions about my capabilities and the feasibility of my dreams weighed heavily on my mind. Could I persevere in my pursuit of a career in Software Development? These doubts were persistent, and at times, I felt like a failure. Nevertheless, what kept me going was the undeniable personal growth I witnessed. I realized that trusting the process and maintaining consistency was essential. Comparing my progress to others' proved unproductive.

During this challenging phase, Mr. Shams, our mentor, played a pivotal role in boosting my morale. His encouragement and unwavering support helped me regain my strength and determination to strive for excellence.

Mastering Advanced Javascript

The third month was both educational and demanding. I delved into advanced JavaScript concepts, including synchronous and asynchronous programming, async/await, promises, callbacks, try-catch, and error handling. Additionally, I tackled data structures and algorithms, grappling with concepts like trees, graphs and dynamic pre. These are crucial foundations for real-life projects. I've come to realize that learning programming is an ongoing journey that demands continuous practice to keep up with evolving technologies.

Enhancing Soft Skills: Public Speaking and Leadership

TIIDELab recognizes that technical skills alone do not suffice. To enhance our public speaking and leadership abilities, we participated in the Model United Nations General Assembly (MUNGA). The theme, "Rebuilding Trust and Reigniting Global Solidarity; Accelerating the SDGs 2030 Actualization through Digital Technology for Global Prosperity," challenged us to think critically. I represented the Federal Council President of Switzerland, advocating for the responsible use of digital technology to improve global education, healthcare, and opportunities. This experience not only honed my public speaking skills but also provided valuable leadership experience.

Looking Ahead

With three months behind me and three more to go, I am well on my way to becoming a proficient software developer. I eagerly anticipate opportunities for growth and look forward to showcasing my skills to the world. TIIDELab has proven to be more than a fellowship; it's a nurturing environment where talents flourish, skills are honed, and dreams become reality.


My journey toward self-reliance, guided by TIIDELab, is not without its challenges. However, it has shown me that growth emerges from embracing challenges and trusting the process. Stay tuned for further updates on my journey toward self-reliance with TIIDELab.